Soul-Sides.Com's Frequently Asked Questions
posted by O.W.
What is your posting policy?
Most song files are available for only 10 days. Please do not request re-uploads, either by comments or email.
Any and all legitimate requests for soundfile removal will be respected immediately. Email soulsides@gmail.com to register a concern.
What is the site's history?
Soul Sides originally began in the summer of 2000. It was designed as a records review site.
The transition to a blog took place in May 2003 but I didn't begin including soundfiles until February 2004, the informal "birth" of the site as an audioblog (and a darn fine one, we think).
Who runs it?
Oliver Wang (the journalist/scholar formerly/occassionally known as DJ O-Dub).
Do you take requests>?
I take..."suggestions" via email, but note: I rarely honor them unless I really like the theme or idea. I am, however, always looking for guest posters with something special to muse about and a talent for writing.
How can I get my site onto your blogroll?
Shoot us an email at soulsideslinks and we'll take a look at your site. In general, we only link to sites that we'd actually visit ourselves so we tend to keep the blogroll relatively small and select. Nothing personal.
Any other questions?