Wednesday, November 3, 2004

posted by O.W.

Stevie Wonder: Love's In Need Of Love Today
From Songs in the Key of Life (Tamla, 1976)

The Honey Drippers: Impeach the President
From 7" (Alaga, 1973). Also on 12".

It's a time for healing today, people. We live in a divided America and we need to reach our hands across partisan lines, embrace our brothers and sisters regardless of ideological differences. Like Stevie said, we need some love today. We need to be one and learn to work together... together to impeach the President. We need to rid ourselves of George W. Bush before that fundamentalist, radical, religious extremelist ends up rolling back every important social/civil right established since Reconstruction. C'mon ya'll, we know he's got skulls and bones in his closet somewhere: time to dig it all up.

Spread love, it's the American way.