Wednesday, March 2, 2005

posted by O.W.

In doing some long-awaited house cleaning, I updated my blog roll and wanted to draw attention to new blogs from the last month or so:
  • The Ten Thousand Things is from Blake Leyh, who, among many other things, also happens to be the music supervisor for The Wire, aka "the best goddamn show on television." Basically, you know if this guy is going through the trouble of creating an audioblog, he's going to post up some good music.
  • Club Lonely is a group music blog (ala Music-For-Robots) brought in super-sparse style by some of the same cats who run I'm So Sincurr and other sites.
  • Steady Bootleggin comes from the same mind who brought us A Tribute To Ignorance (so necessary). Every post is tied to a theme - right now, he's got great songs from bad movies. Hot.
  • Monkeyfunk. As the name suggests, they're coming with funky material. Right now, they have one of my favorite female soul songs: Ann Sexton's "You're Gonna Miss Me".
  • Playhouse Down mixes up jazz, rock, soul, etc.
  • Low End Theory. Devoted to, the art of moving butts.