Friday, May 4, 2007

Soul Sides Vol. 2: The Covers - Now available for PRE-ORDERING!
posted by O.W.

Soul Sides Vol. 2: The Covers is now available for pre-orders, both CD and LP. All orders will ship out before the May 22nd release date.

Also, one lucky person who pre-orders will win themselves a vintage Califone turntable!*

But wait...there's more: All pre-orders will receive a bonus pack of songs (delivered electronically) - 8 more cover songs, all hand-selected. Half are songs that have never appeared on This offer is exclusive to pre-orders only.

Get your pre-order on! Both CDs and LPs are $14 + shipping/packing.

In the meantime, thanks for all your t-shirt designs. If you still want to get one in over the weekend, holla.

Also, we're still trying to plan out release parties in different cities. If you're still interested in making one happen, holla.

*Sorry, limited to U.S. residents only.
