posted by O.W.

You asked for it. Now we're delivering.
Thanks to my old friend DJ Icewater, I can now sell many of my past mix-CDs in a digital download format. Sad as I am that physical media (for some) is going the way of the dodo, at least I can stop dealing with stuff going out of stock.
Soul Sides Digi Style
Currently, there are four CDs available there: Incognitos Redux and Deep Covers most of you should already know about. But I'm finally able to bring two other CDs back into rotation. More on this in a sec.
First of all though, I want to get all the remaining CDs I have out the house so I can start clean for the new year. I've discounted everything
As an incentive, I have a lot of extra CDs (Nicole Willis, Gilles Peterson, La Clave, El Michels Affair, etc.) that I'll randomly distribute for among the outgoing packages for people buying up remaining stock.
In the future, I haven't decided if I plan to keep that many physical CDs in stock or go strictly digital; a lot of that depends on reader interest so I'm game to go whichever way.
In any case, here are the two CDs that are now available digital-only:
The digital site includes sound snippets for everything so you can sample the wares first.
P.S. Thanks to everyone who ordered the LP. I managed to get all those sold already!
Labels: mixtapes