Monday, March 21, 2005

posted by O.W.

Blender Magazine (thanks Doug) was kind enough to list Soul Sides as one of its audioblogs to check out (tied for #2, behind Tofuhut. We ain't mad at that).

Just to clear up a few things for those coming here for the first time:

1) Despite our name, we don't really specialize in '60s and '70s soul, though certainly, soul serves as an inspiration and blueprint behind much of the music we do deal in here. I've never done, for example, a Chi-Lites post. Or hell, even an Al Green post (the latter is coming sometime soon though). On the flipside, I have a boogaloo podcast coming down the way and of course, you'll always find an assortment of funk, jazz, hip-hop and other musical curiosities.

2) I don't own every soul record ever released. But I wouldn't mind to.

3) I politely ask that strangers NOT email me to either ask for sonsg requests or information on how to find obscure 12"s and LPs.

4) However, if you have suggestions for themes, I'm open to that. I've created a suggestions box for theme ideas and equally important: if you're interested in doing a guest post for Soul Sides, leave a comment with your idea and contact info on that page. Please don't email me with it though.

