Sunday, May 13, 2007

Eddie Kendricks: Revisit With the Rain
posted by O.W.

Eddie Kendricks: Date With the Rain (Disco Mix)
From 12" (Duotone, 2001)

I've been so neck-deep in 1) end of the semester work + 2) SSV2-related stuff that I just lack the mental energy to craft too many new posts even though I have a slew of music to write about, waiting in the wings. As a way to keep the posts comin' though, here's an oldie but goodie though from Soul Sides past:
    "I do not exaggerate when I say that this extended remix is one of the best things I've ever heard.

    "Date With the Rain" is a most amazing dancefloor cut, like some magical song you enjoy while hopped up on E or 'shrooms except without the need for mind-altering substances. Sublimely funk/groovy, builds with patience but delivers quickly, and understands how to use repetition to maximum effect. I suppose you can enjoy this on headphones but really, you need to be knee-deep in a club, with this easing out of the speakers and you'll understand just how awesome it is."
If you never caught it the first time around, here's your chance now.
